Poptartbox Oversharing

Talking to Myself In Front of Internet Strangers

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My life is over. I have officially graduated from university with my bachelor's degree. As a kid, you spend your entire life having the same thing repeated to you over and over.

"You have to get good grades to go to a good college."
"You have to figure out what you want to do when you're grown up so you go to a good college."
"You have to do a sport. You have to have smart friends. You have to be good at something, anything. Because you have to go to a good college."

I mean Jesus Christ, today I'm filing my taxes! It's not even a meme anymore!

Thanks for the read. Eat a Pop-Tart.


I am currently inflicted with the most God-awful case of senioritis and burnout combined.

1/21/2024 Trigger Warning

The only dream possibly worth sharing is this:

The Stupidest Shit May 9, 2021 at 3:35 AM


Thank you for reading! I hope you all have a wonderful day! Also, if you too have found direction OR are struggling to find it yourself, feel free to talk to me! It’s an interesting topic so I’d love to hear!


Thank you for reading my first entry on here. I hope you have a lovely day, and make sure to treat yourself to a Pop-Tart, you deserve it!