Currently, there are 48 insects in my collection.
3 are moths. 3 are ants. 3 are Pentatomomorphs. Which is an odd coincidence.
I don't have the best camera, so it is very difficult to get photos of my actual collection. Especially with many insects being very small. So instead, I will use images online and provide captions for details. Along with this, please forgive any mistakes when it comes to identification. Some insects on this list were not specified when I received them.
Polyphemus Moth
Antheraea polyphemus
11.5 cm wingspan
Fun fact:
One of the largest moths in the United States.
Polyphemus Moth
Antheraea polyphemus
4 cm length
Clear-Winged Humming Bird Moth
Hemaris sp.
5 cm wingspan
Carpenter Ant
Camponotus sp.
1 cm length
Fun fact:
These ants herd and tend aphids as livestock.
Red Imported Fire Ant x2
Solenopsis invicta
.5 cm length
Fun fact:
Ants develop wings when they are ready to mate.
Leaf-footed Bug x2
Leptoglossus zonatus
2.5 cm in length
Fun fact:
This species of Leaf-footed bug is the most destructive to gardeners.
Brown Stinkbug
Halyomorpha sp.
1 cm in length
Magpie Crow Butterfly
Euploea rhadamanthus
7.5 cm wingspan
Orange Gull Butterfly x2
Cepora iudith
5.5 cm wingspan
Chocolate Albatross Butterfly x2
Appias lyncida
6 cm wingspan
Straight-line Map-wing Butterfly
Cyrestis nivea
5 cm wingspan
Periodical Cicada
Magicicada sp.
7 cm wingspan
Fun fact:
Periodical cicadas are burrowed underground during their development stage for 13 to 17 years. When they mature into adults and live above ground, they only live for a few weeks.
Bombus sp.
1.5 cm length
Fun fact:
The term "bumblebee" was first recorded in this quote from 1530, "I bomme, as a bombyll bee dothe."
Sweat Bee
Family Halictidae
1 cm length
Fun fact:
Sweat bees are called that because they are genuinely attracted to sweat.
Short-tailed Ichneumonide Wasp
Family Ichneumonidae
1.5 cm length
Ichneumon Wasp
Family Ichneumonidae
2 cm length
Predaceous Diving Beetle
Family Dytiscidae
1 cm length
Fun fact:
They are can be found in almost every kind of fresh water habitat.
Grapevine Beetle
Pelidnota punctata
2.5 cm length
Colorado Potato Beetle
Leptinotarsa decemlineata
1 cm length
Horse Fly
Family Tabaninae
1.5 cm length
Fun fact:
They will aggressively try to bite you.
Order Blattodea
1.5 cm length
Fun fact:
Cockroaches have the ability to compress their bodies to withstand a force 300 times their body weight when traversing small crevices.
Velvet Ant
Family Mutillidae
2 cm length
Fun fact:
Velvet ants are actually wasps. They have an extremely tough exoskeleton, allowing them to invade nests of stinging bees and wasps.
Giant Water Scavenger Beetle
Hydrophilus sp.
3 cm length
Red-lined Carrion Beetle
Necrodes surinamensis
2 cm length
Click Beetle
Family Elateridae
2 cm length
Black Soldier Fly
Hermetia illucens
2 cm length
Spider Wasp
Family Pompilidae
1 cm length
Really cool battle between a Tarantula Hawk and its prey:
Blow Fly
Family Calliphoridae
1 cm length
Two-lined Spittlebug
Prosapia bicincta
1 cm length
Stripped Blister Beetle
Epicauta vittata
2 cm length
Hover Fly
Family Syrphidae
1 cm length
Harlequin Lady Beetle x3
Harmonia axyridis
1 cm length
Ground Beetle
Family Carabidae
2.5 cm length
Robber Fly
Family Asilidae
1.5 cm length
Family Cicadellidae
.5 cm length
Family Notonectoidea
1 cm length
Fun fact:
They bite. And it hurts a lot. Do not pick them up.
Family Lampyridae
1 cm length
Fun fact:
They emit light due to a chemical process in order to attract mates.
Bristle Fly
Family Tachinidae
1.5 cm length
Subfamily Chauliodinae
2.5 cm length
Fun fact:
I fucking hate these things. They are impossible to pin.
Infraorder Gryllidea
3.5 cm length
Grasshopper x2
Infraorder Acrididea
5 cm length, 3 cm length